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RSCC Policy SA-07-01; Recruitment, 入学, and Re入学 of Service Members (Veterans) and Reservists

Roane State 社区 College
保单号码: SA-07-01
主题: Recruitment, 入学, and Re入学 of Service Members (Veterans) and Reservists
  1. 目的
    This policy is to provide standards and consistent practices regarding the recruitment, 入学, and re入学 of service members and reservists to Roane State 社区 College (RSCC).
  2. 定义
    1. Appropriate Officer: A warrant, commissioned or noncommissioned, officer authorized to give such notice by the military service concerned.
    2. Armed Forces: the U.S. Army, 海军, 空军, Marine Corps, 和海岸警卫队. Active duty includes full-time training duty, annual training duty, 和考勤, while in the active military service, 在法律或有关军部部长指定为服役学校的学校学习. Active duty does not include full-time National Guard duty.
    3. 教育服务官员:负责向现役人员提供教育机会的服务人员.
    4. 兵役(或在军中服役):在武装部队中自愿或非自愿服役, including service by a member of the National Guard or Reserve on active duty, active duty for training, or full-time National Guard duty under federal authority, 连续30天以上被征召或被命令服现役. This does not include National Guard service under state authority.
    5. Reservist: A person who is a member of a military reserve force. They are otherwise civilians, and in peacetime have careers outside the military.
    6. Service Member: Someone who is a member of, applies to be a member of, 执行, 表现, 适用于执行, or has an obligation to perform, service in the uniformed services.
    7. 学费援助(TA):军事学费援助是支付给符合条件的军队成员的福利, 海军, 海军陆战队, 空军, 和海岸警卫队.
  3. Recruitment of Veterans and Reservists
    1. In accordance with federal laws, 规定, 和国防部自愿教育伙伴关系谅解备忘录(MOU), Roane State 社区 College (RSCC):
      1. Bans the payment of any commission, 奖金, 或其他直接或间接基于确保入学或联邦财政援助(包括学费援助基金)的奖励支付给从事任何学生招聘的任何个人或实体, 入学 activities, or making decisions regarding the award of student financial assistance.
      2. 避免使用高压招聘策略,比如主动联系(3个或更多), including contacts by phone, 电子邮件, 或面对面, 为了确保服役人员的登记,进行当天的招募和登记.
      3. 禁止诱惑, including any gratuity, 忙, 折扣, 娱乐, 热情好客, 贷款, 运输, 住宿, 餐, 或其他物品,其货币价值超过任何个人或单位微不足道的金额, 或者它的代理, including third-party lead generators or marketing firms, 但支付给雇员的工资或支付给承包商的费用除外,这些费用是根据所有适用法律为确保服务人员的登记或获得TA的资金而支付的.
    2. 允许大学资助的奖学金或助学金和学费减免提供给军队附属的学生.
  4. 入学 of Service Members
    1. RSCC is approved to enroll eligible service members who apply to utilize Tuition Assistance (TA). Military TA is a benefit paid to eligible members of the Army, 海军, 海军陆战队, 空军, 和海岸警卫队. 国会赋予各服务机构最高100%支付其成员学费的能力. Each service has its own criteria for eligibility, 义务服务, application process, 和限制. These funds are usually paid directly to the college by the individual services.
    2. RSCC的退伍军人事务办公室是学术和财务咨询(包括获得残疾咨询)的联络点,以协助服务成员, 经验丰富的学生, and their families with the successful completion of their studies and with their job searches.
    3. RSCC的退伍军人事务办公室指导符合条件的服务成员在RSCC上课之前获得教育服务官员(ESO)或军事教育顾问的批准,以获得TA资助.
    4. 在入学前未获得TA批准的服务人员将有义务支付学费和杂费的到期金额.
    5. RSCC的员工不负责提交和批准服务人员提出的TA请求.
  5. Re入学 of Service Members
    1. Re入学 Requirements
      1. 在下列情况下,RSCC将迅速为服务人员提供重新入学的机会,这些服务人员的学术地位与他们上次入学时的学术地位相同,或者在部署之前被录取:
        1. 学生与RSCC退伍军人事务办公室联系,提供服务通知以及返回意向通知.
        2. 学生或国防部或军事服务部门的适当官员向学院提供口头或书面通知,说明退学的原因是由于收到至少30天的兵役报告命令或指示. Notice should be given prior to withdrawal unless precluded from doing so by the military, e.g. service is related to a classified mission, etc. 通知不必表明服役人员是否打算返回学校,也可以不受任何时间规则的约束. Timeliness must only be determined by the facts of each case.
        3. When notice is precluded prior to the date of withdrawal, 服役人员在重新入学时,可以提交需要缺勤的兵役证明.
      2. 服务成员在离开不超过5年后提供重新注册的意向通知;
      3. Within 3 years or after completion of service
      4. 在服役期间受伤或患病的康复期结束后2年内
      5. No specific form is required to provide notice of intent to return.
    2. If notice of intent to re-enroll meets the requirements set forth above, the service member shall be promptly readmitted.
  6. 提示重新接纳
    1. RSCC defines prompt re入学 as:
      1. 重新注册下一个可用的班级,在相同或最相似的程序,服务成员在退出之前登记,
      2. With the same academic status as before withdrawal,
      3. With the same academic progress as before withdrawal,
      4. With the same number of credit hours as had been completed before withdrawal.
    2. Exceptions to 提示重新接纳 requirements include:
      1. When the service member fails to meet the requirements of Section VI.一个以上. In such circumstances, 然而, 服役人员应被允许按照与所有普通学生相同的政策或要求重新入学.
      2. 当学院合理地确定服务成员不准备回到他们的学习计划的状态, 排名, and/or level of academic progress previously achieved, provided the college has made reasonable effort, at no extra cost to the service member, to prepare the service member to re-enroll. 学院承担举证责任,以确定服役人员不准备恢复其在退出前获得的水平的学习课程.
      3. When the service member requests to enroll in a different program.
      4. When the service member requests to re-enter their program of study at the beginning, or at any earlier point, of the program of study.
  7. Tuition upon Re入学
    1. The same as that charged at the time of withdrawal,
    2. 如不高于其他学生所获助教津贴的上限,或
    3. If starting in a new program, the same tuition and fees charged to other students in the program.
  8. 规定

Original Date Effective: 04/04/2023
Original Approval By: 克里斯托弗·L. 惠利,总统
Office Responsible: Vice President 贝博体育 & Enrollment Man年龄ment


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