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Roane State Community College

Clubs and Organizations
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Clubs and Organizations

Links for Current Student Organizations

How to start a club at RSCC

Organizations & Boards

Campus Activity Board

校园活动委员会(CAB)为所有罗安州立校园的学生提供机会,在为校园提供社会活动的同时获得领导技能. 每个校区都有一个CAB,由一名主席和联合主席领导,另外还有五名来自各个校区学生团体的成员. 主席和联席主席在每年春季学期选举,成员在秋季选举.

Student Government

罗安州立学生政府协会(SGA)由罗安州立9个校区各自校园活动委员会的主席和联合主席组成. SGA为学生提供了提出建设性意见的机会, thereby promoting cooperation among students, faculty and administration, 并通过协助促进社会活动和特殊校园贝博体育,为罗安州的共同利益而工作. SGA每月在学院的互动式教室里开会. 有关学生会章程的副本,请与学生活动协调员或贝博体育和多元文化事务助理副校长联系.

Registered Clubs

Anime and Japan Club (AAJ)

AAJ俱乐部旨在教育和分享对日本文化和日本艺术的相似兴趣, 并向新成员介绍日语、日本文化和艺术. 


RSCC Bass Anglers


赞助商:Jennifer Fugate,更多信息请联系俱乐部教练: Jason Ridenour and Mike O'Domirok

BCM (Baptist Collegiate Ministry)

BCM Website

The BCM is three things in one-a fellowship of students, a program for students and an organization led by students. BCM是一个旨在满足大学生需求的组织. 活动是由教职员和学生通过敬拜来策划和执行的. 圣经学习,教会参与,社会事工和宣教贝博体育. The BCM is a place to belong.


RSCC Student Chemical Society

RSCC学生化学学会的重点是在学院和社区内促进化学和科学. Regardless of major, 欢迎所有对罗安州立大学化学课程和活动感兴趣或正在参加的RSCC学生参加. RSCC学生化学协会旨在提供活动,包括校外设施参观,如ORNL, create opportunities to bring speakers to campus, provide social events, 并鼓励参与者之间的友谊和合作.



For more information please email

Cumberland Campus - Forces of Nature Eco Club

“大自然的力量”生态俱乐部是一群参加RSCC的志趣相投的人的聚会,他们希望通过帮助拯救当地环境和整个地球来改变我们的社区. 我们致力于使坎伯兰校区更加环保, raising awareness of our ecological footprints, obtaining resources necessary to expanding & sustaining a vital recycling program, 让我们周围的世界变得更健康、更美丽.

For more information, contact club sponsor Ann Morphew at



RSCC HOSA的主要目的是满足其成员的需求,并加强健康科学教育(HSE)-HOSA伙伴关系. 


The Kindness Club

善良俱乐部旨在帮助学生在校园里以任何方式帮助他人和善良. 这种帮助延伸到我们校园的学生和其他组织, including faculty and administration.


Music Orientation Experience (MOE)

The focus of the club is to promote a broad musical, cultural, social, 以及在学院和社区的服务经验,包括参与和推广RSCC音乐系的活动.

欲了解更多信息,请联系俱乐部赞助商:Brenda Luggie

LGBT Club- Rainbow Raiders

该组织的目的是促进罗安州立大学LGBT和联盟成员之间的联系,并就与LGBT学生和家庭有关的问题对罗安州立大学社区进行教育. This club will sponsor workshops, disseminate research and materials on LGBT issues, 举办社交活动,参与针对LGBT群体的服务贝博体育


Kathryn Wibking 

The National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS)

Sponsor: Jennifer Fugate,


Pre-Nursing / Allied Health Science Club - Cumberland Campus


For more information, contact club sponsor Mary Ann Sexton at


RSCC Pep Band

为篮球比赛提供音乐,让球迷和球队振奋起来,振奋精神. RSCC Pep Band培养成员的组织、纪律、合作和责任感.

For more information, contact club sponsor Geol Greenlee at



An international honor society for two-year colleges. Invitation to membership is extended by the local chapter. To be eligible, students must complete at least twelve hours of college credit leading to an associate’s degree (part-time students are eligible); maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.5, and enjoy full rights of citizenship in your country. International, regional, 分会贝博体育在学术领域提供了机会, leadership, service, and fellowship. 会员资格的好处包括有资格获得转学奖学金, 自动提名国家院长名单出版的优秀学生, automatic enrollment in the PTK Transfer Database, which is made available to four-year and senior level institutions that actively recruit transfer students; and the privilege of wearing the honors stole and tassel at graduation. 欲了解更多信息,请联系Phi Theta Kappa章顾问克劳迪娅卡明斯865-354-3000分机. 5200

For more information, contact club sponsor Claudia Cummings at


The Physical Therapy Assistant Student Association

物理治疗学生协会的成立是为了促进罗安州立大学和社区的物理治疗专业. 家庭教师协会的学生通过参加州和国家会议和继续教育课程来促进职业发展. 会员资格仅限于已被RSCC物理治疗师助理计划接受的学生. 

For more information, contact club sponsor Emily DeLozier at


Riverline Raiders Kayaking Club

Riverline Raiders的目的是向学生介绍并支持对皮划艇运动的兴趣, 特别是涉及到我们地区的河流和水道. 

For more information, contact club sponsors: Mary Ann Sexton,, or Dana West,

Student Occupational Therapy Association- SOTA 

SOTA的目的是促进社区和罗安州立大学职业治疗领域的发展, promote professional attitudes and behaviors in the OTA students, promote participation in state and national OT organizations.  

欲了解更多信息,请联系俱乐部赞助商:Kirsten Felder or Cindy Ayo

Roane State Eco Club- Oak Ridge Campus

RSCC的生态俱乐部是一个旨在通过有利于环境的活动培养学生之间关系的俱乐部. 其次,它将教育和提高可持续实践的意识,以罗恩州立社区.

For more information, contact club sponsors: Ashley Galloway, John Noto, Heather Doncaster


Roane State Surgical Technology Club

罗安州立社区学院的外科技术俱乐部是一个为外科技术学生开设的俱乐部,旨在培养学生之间的关系,提高团队合作能力, an essential skill in the career, and provide coaching for students on leadership and confidence, 以及一个安全的空间,为学生的计划,在任何可能出现的需求. 

欲了解更多信息,请联系俱乐部赞助商:Jennifer Jacobs


Rotaract Club

扶轮青年服务团是一个以大学为基础的服务社,为致力于社区和国际服务的青年男女而设. 国际扶轮是一个由致力于服务他人和促进和平的专业人士组成的贝博体育社区. More than 1.在贝博体育超过34,000个扶轮社中有200万名社员在国内外社区做义工. 橡树岭扶轮社和克林顿扶轮社赞助RSCC扶轮青年服务团. We are a “partner in service.“俱乐部提供志愿者机会,让学生们有机会做出改变. 我们的目标是提高学生的知识和技能,以帮助他们的个人发展, to address the physical and social needs of their communities, 并通过友好和服务的框架促进世界各国人民之间更好的关系.


Cumberland County- Ashley Morgan (Maiden:Lawson) 


Spirit Team

For more information please contact the club Sponsor: Beth Crass

S.T.A.R.S. Art Club

Purposes for the S.T.A.R.S. Art Club are: 1) to provide a social bond for students and staff with the common interest of art; 2) to provide a vehicle for learning experiences in art outside the classroom through programs and field trips; 3) to provide students with ready opportunities to exhibit their work and learn about the technicalities of the exhibiting process; 4) to raise scholarship funds for art students and hold competitions designed to distribute those funds; 5) to provide art-related services to the community on a limited basis; and 6) to raise the art-consciousness of college and community by bringing quality work to the campus.

欲了解更多信息,请联系俱乐部赞助商:Bryan Wilkerson

Student American Dental Hygienist Association

一个组织,旨在促进已注册的牙科卫生技术学生的专业发展,为将来从事牙科卫生工作做准备. 持有执照的卫生师是正在攻读牙科卫生专业的学士学位或研究生学位的学生,也有资格成为学生会员.

Sponsor: Kellye Wilson

Student Optical Society

罗安州立学生光学协会旨在促进和鼓励光学专业学生之间的合作和团结, to improve their academic standing, 鼓励学生通过与光学相关的志愿工作和服务贝博体育参与社区活动.

For more information please contact the club Sponsor: Mike Goggin

Student Teacher Education Association (STEA)

STEA(学生教师教育协会)旨在让学生了解教育专业,并为他们提供有关未来职业的学生声音. 这个俱乐部的学生们期待着目前正在影响教育领域的演讲嘉宾, networking with their peers, and completing service learning projects. 每个贝博体育都旨在使RSCC服务区内的K-12学校受益, 希望以积极的方式影响K-12学生的生活. 

欲了解更多信息,请联系俱乐部赞助商:Stacie Bradshaw和Cody Miller

Contact Information


For general questions about clubs and organizations, contact:


Jennifer J Fugate • (865) 882-4570 • Click name for email address

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