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RSCC Policy PA-01-01; 平等就业机会和平权行动

保单号码: PA-01-01
主题: 平等就业机会和平权行动
  1. 介绍
    1. It is the intent that 贝博体育 (RSCC) will promote and ensure equal opportunity for all persons without regard to 比赛, color, 宗教, 信条, 种族或民族出身, , 性, 性取向, 性别认同/表达式, 残疾, 年龄(如适用), 作为参保老兵的身份, 遗传信息, and any other category protected by federal or state civil rights law, 并应完全遵守第11246号行政命令, 修订的; the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; the Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Act of 1974, 修订的; the Equal Pay Act of 1963, 修订的; the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, 修订的; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975; the Pregnancy Discrimination Act; applicable state statutes and all regulations promulgated pursuant thereto.
    2. It is the intent the institution shall be free of harassment on the basis of 性 and 比赛, and shall fully comply with the provisions of Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 修订的; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 修订的; the federal and state constitutions; and all other applicable federal and state statutes.
    3. 所有经理的全力配合, 监事, and other employees with regard to the 平等就业机会和平权行动 program is expected.
  2. 保单陈述书
    1. Roane State will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of 比赛, color, 宗教, 信条, 种族或民族出身, 性, 性取向, 性别认同/表达式, 残疾, 年龄(如适用), 作为参保老兵的身份, 遗传信息, and any other category protected by federal or state civil rights law, 并应完全遵守第11246号行政命令, 修订的.
    2. 类似的, 机构不得, 基于受保护的状态, subject any student to discrimination under any 教育al program. 任何学生不得因受保护身份而被歧视性地排除在任何教育计划的参与之外或被剥夺任何教育计划的利益.
    3. 学院将采取平权行动,以确保所有个人在就业过程中都受到对待,而不考虑他们的种族, color, 宗教, 信条, 种族或民族出身, 性, 性取向, 性别认同/表达式, 残疾, 年龄(如适用), 作为参保老兵的身份, 遗传信息, and any other category protected by federal or state civil rights law. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, actions to:
      1. 招募, 雇佣, 火车, 提升所有职位的人, 不考虑任何上述禁止因素.
      2. Base decisions on employment so as to further the principle of affirmative action and equal employment opportunity.
      3. 确保晋升决定符合平等就业机会的原则,只对晋升机会提出有效的要求.
      4. 确保所有人事行为,如补偿, 好处, 转移, 裁员, 下岗复职, 以及大学赞助的培训, 教育, 学费援助, and social and recreation 贝博体育 will be administered 不考虑任何上述禁止因素.
      5. It is the policy of the college to maintain each campus as a place of work and study for faculty, 工作人员, 和学生, 没有性骚扰和种族骚扰. 骚扰是一种歧视形式,在工作场所或教育环境中骚扰是不可接受的行为,不会被容忍.
  3. 行政责任
    1. The president will appoint an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action (EEO/AA) Officer and a Title IX Coordinator for the college. 校长应确保采取下列行动:
      1. 平等就业和平权行动
        1. 平等就业机会和平权行动计划由机构的EEO/AA官员制定,这些计划必须由机构的EEO/AA官员在本政策和适用法律法规的要求下有效管理.

          点击这里查看学院的平权行动报告: 平权行动报告.
        2. The institutional EEO/AA Officer/Title IX Corrdinator will receive, 审查, 调查有关机构平等就业机会的投诉和申诉,并向校长提出处理建议.
      2. 骚扰
        The college president is responsible for the final resolution of a harassment complaint. The chancellor and president shall ensure the following actions occur:
        1. 调查骚扰投诉
          田纳西州校董会的总法律顾问将监督调查,并向将接受调查的大学平等就业机会/AA官员提供法律建议, 审查, and investigate all charges of harassment arising from the institution.
        2. 学院EEO/AA官员/Title IX协调员将根据适用政策和/或TBR指南P-080的要求调查和解决所有关于非法骚扰的投诉,并将所有事实与总法律顾问沟通以获得法律建议.
        3. 这一政策的目的是,由校园平权行动办公室进行的审查和调查过程将在总法律顾问的直接监督和控制下进行,并旨在进行保密沟通,从而导致律师提供法律建议.
    2. 总统的职责
      校长应负责在每个校园制定和实施平等就业机会和平权行动计划,并确保对非法骚扰进行调查,并开展有关骚扰的教育工作. In carrying out this responsibility, the president shall comply with the following:
      1. 任命一名平等就业机会/机管局官员,负责促进和确保遵守本政策和所有适用的法律法规, 政策, 和指导方针, 审查ing the effectiveness of the program and recommending improvements to the college president.
      2. 确保每年制定和执行平权行动计划,作为积极追求平等就业机会原则的一种手段.
      3. 制定平权行动目标和时间表,旨在纠正导致机构内少数族裔或妇女雇员利用不足或待遇不公平的情况.
      4. 在校园平权行动计划的实施中发挥积极的领导作用,并确保在教职员工会议上对该计划给予适当的关注.
      5. 通知所有管理人员和主管,他们的绩效评估将部分取决于他们参与平等就业机会计划和董事会批准的准入和多元化举措的有效性.
      6. Designate a person on the campus to be responsible for gathering and reporting data related to the equal employment opportunity program.
      7. Ensure 政策 and procedures are instituted to deal with all forms of harassment, including a procedure for the EEO/AA Officer to receive and investigate complaints and recommend necessary action to the president.
      8. 指定平等就业机会/机管局官员为员工,负责针对所有类型的骚扰开展和实施教育工作.
    3. 平等就业机会/机管局主任的职责
      1. 平等就业机会和平权行动计划
        The EEO/AA Officer will develop and maintain an EEO/AA program which shall include but not be limited to the following responsibilities:
        1. 学院EEO/AA官员将收到, 审查, and investigate equal employment opportunity complaints and appeals and make recommendations to the president regarding their disposition, 除非政策或指导方针另有要求.
        2. Equal employment opportunity or affirmative action complaints made to external 年龄ncies; i.e. EEOC或THRC, will be investigated by the institution EEO/AA Officer in conjunction with the Office of the General Counsel. 所有投诉将转交给总法律顾问办公室,任何提交给外部机构的报告将由该机构编写并提交总法律顾问办公室批准并转交给该机构. The attorney/client relationship will apply to the investigation and preparation of those reports.
        3. The EEO/AA Officer will develop and maintain an EEO/AA program which shall include:
          1. Developing or reaffirming the institution's equal employment opportunity policy in all personnel actions
          2. 正式对内对外传播政策
          3. Establishing responsibilities for implementation of the program
          4. Identifying problem areas by organizational units and job classifications
          5. Establishing goals and objectives by organizational units and job classifications, 附有完成时间表
          6. Developing and executing action-oriented 贝博体育 designed to attain established goals and objectives
          7. Ensuring compliance of personnel 政策 with the 性 discrimination guidelines
          8. 积极支持旨在改善少数民族和妇女就业机会的地方和国家社区行动和社区服务方案
          9. Internal audit and reporting systems designed to ensure compliance and to permit monitoring of the program
          10. 内部投诉程序,旨在迅速处理和解决员工或就业申请人的投诉和不满
        4. 每年更新平等就业机会/机管局计划, and reporting progress in meeting the established goals and objectives, with such report submitted at least annually to the chancellor as directed by the system EEO/AA Officer. The EEO/AA Officer shall discuss the success of the EEO/AA program with the president and make recommendations regarding desirable changes.
      2. 骚扰程序
        1. 平等就业机会/机管局主任将负责执行指引P-080歧视及骚扰-投诉及调查程序.
        2. 平等就业机会/机管局官员将确保制定教育计划,提醒学生和员工遵守不骚扰政策和指导方针.
        3. 在TBR总法律顾问的指导下, the college EEO/AA Officer will investigate all harassment complaints. 该机构的平等就业机会/AA官员将收到, 审查, 调查所有关于性骚扰的投诉, 比赛, color, 宗教, 种族或民族出身, 或其他受保护状态.
        4. 平等就业机会/机管局官员将确保贝博体育部门对涉及学生之间歧视或骚扰的投诉进行调查和解决, 这就解决了所有学生的纪律问题.

Should there be a conflict between this policy and TBR policy or guidelines then the TBR policy or guideline will supersede.

Revision History: 7/1/1990, 10/30/2000, 12/14/2009, 02/12/2012
TBR指南参考: P-080
修订生效日期: 03/24/2021
修订批准人: 克里斯托弗·L. 惠利,总统
原生效日期: 01/11/1988
批准人: Cuyler一. 邓巴,总统
办公室负责: 商务副总裁 & 金融
综述: 03/15/2021


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贝博体育 does not discriminate on the basis of 比赛, color, 宗教, 信条, 种族或民族出身, 性, 残疾, 年龄, 作为受保护的退伍军人或受联邦或州法律法规保护的任何其他阶层,以及田纳西州董事会在就业方面的政策, 贝博体育, 和活动.​​​​​​​ 查看完整的非歧视政策.


