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Spanish Department
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Spanish Department

About the Spanish Department

The RSCC Spanish Department serves various populations of the student body. The department offers foundations courses that prepare students to pursue advanced study, fulfill the Associate of Art requirement and fulfill high-school foreign langu年龄 deficiency. 该系教授的所有课程都符合TBR第一年的西班牙语教育要求,可以无缝转移到高级机构.

The Spanish Department consists of two full time faculty and several adjunct faculty members. The 教师 deliver the information as traditional instruction through on-ground courses, but also as on-ground with web-enhancement courses, 混合课程, complete on-line courses and text-less courses. On-Line Spanish courses serve students from many campuses at once and allow students to study without commuting. Text-less courses allow students to take classes without the burden of buying expensive textbooks. 混合课程让学生有机会参加一些现场讲座,其中介绍了语法和词汇,并在网上完成其余的工作, saving money and time. Hybrid courses especially benefit those students with family obligations who still need live instructions, making the learning process easier to accomplish than having to complete all the work on their own. 必须特别考虑使用最先进技术的交付系统,该系统将交互式和混合系统与RSCC西班牙语系为高中学生提供的双重学习课程之一相结合. For this particular dual-credit course the instructor goes to one high school every week to give a lecture, answer questions and proctor quizzes or exams. 教师的存在被传送到其他高中,剩下的工作由一个精心设计的在线工作系统完成. Thanks to the RSCC Spanish instructors' dedication, 无数的努力和无私的付出,以及RSCC管理人员对西班牙语教师工作的支持,我们的学生受益于传统和技术教学,使他们对西班牙语言和文化有了广泛的了解.

Administrative and course man年龄ment decisions are made by highly qualified professionals in the field. Spanish professors with a Master and PhD credentials are able to design original courses that reflect their strengths, 创造力, and passions as professional instructors while covering required course material. They also contribute to the establishment of course competencies.

A rubric for listening-comprehension, 阅读, 口语和写作的建立是为了帮助学生直观地理解手头的任务,以及他们是否达到了作业的要求. These rubrics are based on ACTFL, (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Langu年龄s,) Proficiency Guidelines best practice. 另外, 需要研究的贝博体育根据研究的质量和贝博体育的展示情况进行评估,需要学生参与RSCC西班牙语脸谱网网页的贝博体育根据每个贝博体育上发布的相应预先建立的系统进行评估.

已经建立了学习目标和评估最佳教学实践,这些都发布在RSCC服务器西班牙语课程网页上. In addition to giving adjunct faculty information to familiarize them with the Spanish Program and academic guidance, a common syllabus is posted. Following the RSCC guidelines of best practice, a common format syllabus for Spanish courses has been created. The syllabus establishes common learning objectives and contents for each one of the four levels of Spanish offered at RSCC. 每个级别相同的学习目标和共享的内容使学生能够灵活地制定适合自己生活方式的课程时间表,而不会因为没有准备好接受不同教师的课程序列而感到压力.

As technology continues to evolve, it is essential that requirements for the courses reflect these changes. We take pride that our computer labs are equipped with new hardware and the most current versions of software used in academia. 我们不仅教授当前的趋势,而且教师们利用继续教育的机会来确保教学是最新的,与课程材料相关. As the students complete the degree, 他们具有很强的基本技能意识,并有能力在自己的工作中实施这些原则. 参与特殊贝博体育和实际的设计学术竞赛增加了学生在系里获得的经验.

A plethora of in and out-of-class teaching activities stimulate student involvement with the material. Passion and commitment demonstrated by earnest instructors is motivational, 鼓舞人心的, and a valuable real-life example to students. 课程邀请来自国外或具有丰富国际经验的嘉宾,让学生对其他文化的生活有一个广阔的视野. 另外, 参加西班牙语2010和西班牙语2020课程的学生需要通过规划和交付一个西班牙语和社区互动的贝博体育来参与橡树岭市. The three st年龄s of the projects -proposal-acceptance, 授课和课堂教学——贝博体育-成果-展示——用来展示西班牙语是如何在社区中根深蒂固的,以及西班牙语对社区是多么有用和有趣.

该部门赞助了前往西班牙的旅行,以及墨西哥城高中和RSCC学生之间的交换学生计划. Even though the trip to Spain and the exchange student program with Mexico are on hold, the Spanish Department is still sponsoring an annual trip to Costa Rica for total immersion in the culture and langu年龄. Massive fundraising activities for the Costa Rica tour helped to create a culture of responsibility, 领导, and work toward a common goal; however, 执行这次旅行的筹款和后勤组织所必需的教师工作的数量变得势不可当,令人筋疲力尽. 在继续关注质量的同时,有必要制定和实施防止教师倦怠和改进流程的策略. 哥斯达黎加之旅通过在哥斯达黎加人的家中生活十天,向学生介绍了第一手的语言和文化经验, 上课, participating in cultural activities and being part of the everyday Costa Rican life. 哥斯达黎加的全浸入式课程提高了学生对西班牙语言和文化学习的追求. It has also greatly impacted some students who completed the tour in two consecutive years.

Administered by Spanish 教师 and delivered with the assistance of students enrolled in Spanish classes, a Spanish competition covering poetry, 剧院, singing and dancing through the annual Academic Festival provides feedback for area high school students. 多年来,西班牙语系及其学生参加了RSCC开放日活动和其他招生活动. 参与特殊贝博体育和实际的设计学术竞赛增加了学生在系里获得的经验.

西班牙语系还帮助发音协调员与高级机构提供的课程保持同步. 作为教师,我们为所有指定的学生提供一对一的指导,以确保他们完成毕业或转到四年制大学所需的课程. 西班牙语教师向学生和罗安州立社区学院提供西班牙语的承诺,使RSCC西班牙语贝博体育的存在成为可能.


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