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RSCC Policy AA-13-01; 图书馆馆藏发展准则

保单号码: AA-13-01
主题: 图书馆馆藏发展准则
  1. 介绍
    This policy outlines the operational guidelines used by the RSCC 图书馆 in its acquisitions and 维护 of materials. This policy will be used to guide the process of developing and maintaining the RSCC 图书馆 collection.
    The library collection exists to support the mission of 贝博体育 (RSCC). The material selected for inclusion in the collection reflects the immediate and future goals of the library, 大学, 学生, 和老师. The collection strives to include information and research resources suitable for a culturally diverse 大学 community, 收藏包括书籍, 期刊, 电影, 以及所有校园地点和在线课程的电子材料.
  2. 馆藏发展的目标
    Primary consideration will be given to acquiring materials that support the instructional 贝博体育 of 贝博体育. Materials are also selected to contribute to the general enrichment of 学生 and lifelong learning. 收集发展的目标是:
    1. 通过提供各种格式来优化对材料的访问.
    2. Provide materials that will enrich and support the curriculum and that supports 贝博体育 at all campuses for all modes of delivery.
    3. 提供支持通识教育的材料.
    4. 提供能够刺激事实知识增长的材料.
    5. 客观提供材料, including materials that present diverse views of controversial issues to develop the practice of critical reading and thinking.
    6. Provide information that will enable 学生 to make intelligent decisions in their daily lives.
    7. 提供代表不同宗教、种族和文化群体的材料.
  3. 选择的责任
    The Director of 图书馆 Services is responsible for the quality of the library collection and has final approval on selection of library materials. 与教师协商工作, 图书馆员对开发负有全面责任, 维护, 和除草的收集. Recommendations for titles to be added to the collection may be made by any member of the 大学 community.
  4. 新材料选择标准
    1. 通用标准
      1. Primary consideration is given to developing collections that support the instructional 贝博体育 of 贝博体育. Attention is also given to the changing emphasis of the curriculum and the development of new courses and 贝博体育. Materials that provide background information and those that relate directly to assignments and term paper research topics are included.
      2. Priority will be given to replacing materials 失踪 from the collection as determined through inventory analysis.
      3. 一般来说,不会为同一地点购买副本. 多份副本的申请将根据具体情况进行评估.
      4. 优先考虑英语材料,外语课程除外.
      5. Materials are selected to contribute to the general education of the 学生 and may be useful to 学生 pursuing research topics not specifically addressed in the course outline.
      6. 所选择的材料将与当前的学术相关,包括开创性的作品.
      7. Both print and electronic materials selected represent diverse views of controversial issues and contribute information from authoritative sources.
      8. Materials are also chosen for personal enrichment and for instilling in the user an awareness of libraries and their potential as a lifelong source of information, 娱乐, 个人发展.
      9. Materials will be selected to assist the faculty in preparation for teaching and for general research in their subject areas.
    2. 具体的标准
      The following specific criteria apply to the selection of resources in subject areas taught at the 大学:
      1. 主题事项与上述目标的相关性.
      2. 就学术水平而言,是否适合社区学院的收藏.
      3. 材料的时效性或持久性.
      4. 作者或出版者的声誉.
      5. 有关该主题的材料的可用性.
      6. 将题目列入公认的参考书目和索引.
      7. 学术的合理性.
      8. 教师建议或推荐.
      9. 印刷和电子格式的复制.
      10. 对可达性的影响.
      11. 信息的准确性和有效性.
      12. 材料成本(一次性或持续).
    3. 适用于电子资源的附加标准
      1. 在校内和校外提供平等的机会.
      2. 需要对员工和用户进行培训.
      3. 与现有图书馆系统的兼容性.
      4. 当前和预计的数据库需求.
      5. 数据库厂商提供的技术支持.
      6. 数据库访问的总体用户友好性和可访问性遵从性.
      7. 资源提供全文、摘要或书目信息.
  5. 礼品及捐赠
    All gifts donated to the library become the property of the RSCC library and will not be returned to the donors. The same criteria for new materials will be used to evaluate gift and donated books for inclusion in the collection. 任何未加入收藏的礼物将被出售, 交换, 由专业图书馆职员视乎需要捐赠或丢弃. 图书馆 staff will provide a letter of acknowledgement of receipt of materials but will not appraise the material’s donated value. 样本不能添加到收藏中以供流通.
  6. 物料更换
    失去了, 失踪, or dam年龄d materials will not be automatically replaced but subjected to the same criteria established for new materials selection.
  7. 教科书
    图书馆一般不会购买教科书, 教练指导, 手册, 实验手册或其他消耗性材料,以支持当前的课程设置. Exceptions may include those items deemed to be the best source of information on a particular subject, 认证所需贝博体育, 或者满足特定需求的物品. 图书馆可以接受教科书, 包括样本副本, 由教师捐赠,加入课程储备.
  8. 保留和除草策略
    Weeding refers to the continuous process by which items are withdrawn from the collection. RSCC 图书馆员 collaborate with subject area faculty to review the collection for weeding. 同样的选择标准也将用于废弃材料. 除草扩展到图书馆馆藏的所有资料. 除草的一般准则包括:
    1. 材料包含过时或不准确的信息.
    2. 材料不再满足课程需要(贝博体育或研究领域终止).
    3. 教师不再用于教学目的的材料.
    4. 材料的替代版本.
    5. 磨损或损坏的材料.
    6. 通过提供印刷和在线资源来优化材料的可用性.
    7. 其他材料对主题的覆盖.
    8. 基于流通的过去或预计的缺乏使用.
    9. 缺乏参考价值、历史价值或临界价值.
    10. 转换为另一种格式(在线访问).
  9. 知识自由
    The 贝博体育 图书馆 affirms the importance of intellectual freedom as a fundamental tenet in carrying out its educational mission in a democratic society. The library also affirms that “commitment to intellectual freedom is a core responsibility for the library and information profession” as stated in the International Federation of 图书馆 Associations and Institutions (IFLA) Statement on Libraries and 知识自由. 图书馆坚决支持美国图书馆协会的《贝博体育》, 自由查看声明和学术图书馆的知识自由原则.
  10. 重新考虑图书馆资料
    The library collects materials that represent differing opinions on controversial matters. 选择是没有种族、性别、宗教或道德问题的党派偏见的. 如果顾客对某一特定的选择有疑问或担忧, 赞助人可提交一份 申请重新考虑图书馆资源表格. 此表格必须完整填写. 由图书馆服务处处长组成的委员会, 图书馆员, 学生代表, and a faculty representative will evaluate the request and formulate an appropriate response. The Director of 图书馆 Services will communicate with the library patron regarding their request. The item in question will not be removed from the library unless it fails to meet any of the criteria for new materials selection.

修订生效日期: 06/03/2024
修订批准人: 克里斯托弗·L. 惠利,总统
原生效日期: 01/11/1988
批准人: Cuyler一. 邓巴,总统
办公室负责: 学生学习副总裁
综述: 05/16/2024


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