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RSCC Policy PA-10-04; 教师病假银行的建立及运作

保单号码: PA-10-04
主题: 教师病假银行的建立及运作

目的: The purpose of the Faculty Sick Leave Bank is to provide emergency sick leave to members who have suffered a serious, unplanned 疾病 or 受伤 and who have exhausted all their personal sick leave and annual leave, 如果适用的话, 根据TBR政策05:01:01:07和TBR指南P-060.


受托人: 总统 of the college appointed five (5) sick leave bank trustees upon receipt of the petition. It was determined that at least three (3) of the appointees should be full-time faculty. 其余受托人得为行政人员.

Initial appointments were made as follows: two (2) trustees to serve for one (1) year, 两名受托人任期两(2)年,一(1)名受托人任期三(3)年. 此后,所有的任命都是三年. 受托人有资格连任. 空缺:由于任期届满而产生的空缺, 终止雇佣关系, 退休, 死亡, 辞职, or removal by the president of a trustee from the trustee role shall be filled immediately by appointment by the president. 主席由受托人选举产生,任期一年. 主席任期届满时, 受托人将重新任命现任主席或任命一位新主席.

如果受托人需要向银行请病假, 受托人将回避他/她自己的委员会,院长将任命一名特别成员在受托人缺席时服务.


  1. 负责病假银行运营计划的编制. 该计划须经总统审查.
  2. Administer the bank and approve or reject 请求s for withdrawal of leave from the bank. 银行申请必须提交给受托人. 银行成员如需请假,应通知其主管, 经受托人批准前.
  3. 采用合理的工时评估规则,为银行成员保持足够的可用天数储备. 该储备只能通过对银行成员的评估来确定,并应始终保持正余额. 评估应以会员总数和预计的潜在需求为基础. 所有会员应享有相同的病假时数. 受托人有权自行决定需要多少次摊款以维持储备金的正余额.


受托人的所有行动必须保密. The trustees must abide by a confidentiality code that prohibits discussing any meeting, 请求, 行动, 等. 委员会以外的成员, except for those who have a legitimate need to access the information; e.g.、人力资源人员. Failure to maintain confidentiality will lead to immediate removal from the committee and may result in disciplinary 行动. 受托人不得与员工(在委员会之外)进行讨论,这可能会导致某些请求将被批准的推断. 所有问题, 或者讨论, a trustee should be referred to the committee chair for consideration by the trustees as a group.

资格: Participation in the Faculty Sick Leave Bank is available to regular full time faculty or full time employees with faculty rank. 在开放注册期间, 符合条件的员工将在其累计病假后的三(3)天内进行评估,然后将这些天数转移到银行. A personal sick leave balance of five (5) days is required before being eligible to join.


  1. 政策批准后,初始注册期为60天,后续注册期从8月1日开始,持续30天. The trustees shall notify all eligible employees of their eligibility status and the dates of the enrollment period. Enrollment forms and copies of the plan and its regulations shall be made available at this time also.
  2. 所有选择加入银行的合资格人士,将根据其工作类别,按相当于三(3)天的时薪进行评估. 需要有五(5)天的病假余额.
  3. 后续评估的必要性将每年确定,并且仅应在银行保持正的最低余额时进行. 受托人决定300小时是最低余额. Assessments will be limited to an hourly equivalent of one (1) day minimum and three (3) days maximum.
  4. 在申请取消病假之前,员工必须是银行的六十(60)个日历日的成员.
  5. 员工必须用完所有累计病假和年假, 如果适用的话, 在向银行申请病假之前.
  6. 银行病假不得用于以下情况,且不予批准:
    1. 员工的医生没有要求或建议的任何手术
    2. 个人家庭成员患病或死亡
    3. 索赔委员会津贴(e ..g.(工伤赔偿). 如会员因工受伤或生病, 在向银行申请病假之前,该成员首先需要提交并收到有关工人赔偿索赔的决定.
    4. 常规产假.
    5. A period during which the individual is receiving 残疾 benefits from social security or a state-sponsored 退休 plan.

      上面的列表并非包罗万象, 而是, 不适合银行病假的请求类型示例.

  7. 最初给予的病假每小时不得超过相当于连续20天,否则申请人将失去工资. 连续收到20天后, 银行成员应探索他/她可以使用的所有其他选择. 如果银行成员要求延期, 他/她必须签署一份声明,解释可用的选项(例如, worker’s compensation or 残疾 insurance) or verify that he/she is ineligible to qualify for these options. 在任何财政年度(7月至6月),额外授予的银行假期不得超过每小时60天,共计80天。, 或任何一(1)起事故共90天, 疾病, 或者反复确诊的疾病.
  8. Primary consideration for 请求ing bank sick leave will be given to those members on 100% medical leave. 然而, exceptions may be made for members who are on partial 残疾 due to treatment-related leave. 例如, should an employee be going through a treatment such as chemotherapy or physical therapy and require partial time off from work, 他们将有资格从银行请假. 然而, regular and/or follow up doctor’s visits will not count as partial 残疾 and will not be considered for leave from the bank. The employee 请求ing leave from the bank for partial 残疾 will need to provide, 提前, complete and proper documentation from their healthcare provider stating the treatment plan, 治疗计划和雇员被授权返回工作岗位的日期, 有或没有限制.
  9. 收到向银行开出汇票的要求后, 受托人将审查银行成员的身份和病假记录. 如果有虐待的迹象,受托人可以拒绝请求. 如果有虐待的证据,员工的请求被拒绝, 员工将有机会通过提供可能澄清员工病假历史的支持性证据(书面形式)向委员会提出上诉.
  10. 批准的病假将与FMLA假期同时运行,如果符合条件的雇员还没有用完12个工作周的权利.
  11. 银行成员在终止雇佣关系时失去其会员资格, 退休, 或取消银行会员资格. 拒绝或无法履行受托人的评估,或因疾病以外的原因在无薪状态下休假, 受伤, or 残疾 will result in temporary loss of the right to withdraw bank sick leave. This right will be restored upon transfer of the individual’s personal sick leave assessment to the bank, 必须在错过评税日期起计一(1)年内进行. 一(1)年后,该成员必须重新加入银行. 会员必须捐款, 受托人必须兑现捐赠, 一旦员工的病假余额达到考核水平. Any prior member who wishes to re-join the bank will be subject to the same conditions as new members.
  12. 当银行成员身体或精神上不能申请银行病假时, 直系亲属可以代表他或她提出休假请求. 如果没有可用的近亲, 此项要求可由法定监护人提出, 枕, 或在有效授权书下行事的个人.
  13. 在任何时候,受托人可以要求银行成员提供医生证明,证明银行成员的疾病或状况. Refusal to submit the certifications will result in denial of the 请求 for bank sick leave.
  14. 银行成员可以享受其他员工捐赠的病假,如果他/她申请了银行病假,并且由受托人证明了请假的必要性. 如果银行病假被拒绝,银行成员是否有资格接受TBR政策5:01:01:15规定的其他员工的捐赠.
  15. A bank member may cancel his or her membership at any time upon written notification to the trustee chairperson. Sick leave bank assessments are non-refundable and non-transferable to other state institutions. The effective date of the cancellation will be determined by the date of the 请求.
  16. Employees who are granted bank sick leave shall continue to accrue sick leave and annual leave, 以及退休和长寿服务信用, 在银行请病假期间. They will also receive credit for any holidays that may occur during the bank sick leave period. Any leave accrued during this time must be used before the employee can 请求 additional leave from the sick leave bank.
  17. Grants of bank sick leave shall not be contingent upon repayment of hours used or waiver of other employment benefits or rights.
  18. The trustees will approve or reject all 请求s for bank sick leave within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the 请求. The operation of the faculty sick leave bank shall exist separately from the regular sick leave accrued to individuals’ personal accounts with respect to approvals and appeals; the decisions of the trustees shall not be appealed beyond that body.
  19. 所有与病假银行有关的正式表格和记录以及董事会会议的正式记录将保存在人力资源办公室. 所有记录将由适当的州官员进行审计.

进度要求: 建立病假银行应遵循下列时间表:

  1. 主席收到请愿书
    在收到请愿书的三十(30)个日历日内, 校长应任命受托人.
  2. 受托人的责任
    1. 在预约后的十(10)个日历日内, 受托人应举行第一次会议并选举一名主席.
    2. 病假银行生效日期前六十(60)个日历日内, the trustees shall notify all eligible employees of the establishment of the bank and its date of effectiveness.
  3. 生效日期
    1. 总统, 受托人之经营计划经核准后, 确定病假银行生效的日期.
    2. This date shall be no later than 180 calendar days after the date of receipt of the original petition.

申请办理银行营业时间: (所有表格均载于 人力资源网页.)

  1. 填写教师病假银行申请表.
  2. Have the attending physician complete the Faculty 病假银行医生证明表.
  3. Submit the completed forms to your supervisor for approval and then to the human resource office for verification of hours. 附上一份你的时间表副本,以核实你的休假余额.
  4. Human Resources will forward the form and all attachments to the chairperson of the sick leave bank.
  5. 主席将召开会议,受托人将在委员会收到请求之日起十(10)个日历日内作出决定.
  6. An e-mail or letter will be sent as notification of the approval or denial of the time 请求ed.


官方的形式: (所有表格均载于人力资源网页.)

  1. 注册表单
  2. 病假银行申请表
  3. 病假评估通知
  4. 病假银行医生证明表

修改: Amendments to these guidelines may be made by an affirmative vote of three (3) trustees and approval by the president.

银行解散: 如果Roane州立社区学院关闭或银行成员人数少于20人,则病假银行将被解散. 因成员不足而解散时, 按金的总时数应在解散时退还给参加的成员,并按每个人单独评估的时数的比例记入其个人病假累积. 如某成员已提取相当于22元的款项.5小时以上的银行病假, 那个成员将不被计入病假时间的比例.

TBR政策参考: 5:01:01:07, 5:01:01:15
TBR指南参考: P-060
修订生效日期: 06/24/2014
修订批准人: 克里斯托弗·L. 惠利,总统
原生效日期: 01/13/2014
批准人: 克里斯托弗·L. 惠利,总统
办公室负责: 商务副总裁 & Finance; Vice President Student Learning
综述: 07/13/2017


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