保单号码: PA-24-01
主题: 教师职位描述
- 教师
个别辅导员是高校教育过程中的关键人物, 以及他/她的态度, 个性, 技能, 字符, 主动性将决定学院如何完成其使命和一般教育目标. 他/她通过对学生的不断评价,在课程开发中发挥着突出的作用, 课程和贝博体育成果. 参考PA-22-02关于学术自由的信息. (访问完整详细的RSCC政策PA-22-02,学术自由和责任 js.xgnongye.com/policies/.)
- 兼职教师
兼职教师是按学期、小时或课程聘用的. 兼职教师的任期和职责是根据就业时的需要确定的. 兼职教师不享有职级或终身职位. 请参阅PA-27-01获取辅助教师资格证书的信息,并参阅PA-26-03获取监督信息, 取向, 以及对兼职教师的评估. (访问完整详细的RSCC策略PA-27-01, 教师资格, 和PA-26-02, 教师评价, at js.xgnongye.com/policies/.)
- 教学职责和程序
The following list of responsibilities and procedures should not be considered as a complete list but as a guide for some of the activities that have been and are now being done in and through the college as an institution. 当需求变得明显时,这些指导方针必须不断地被评估、改变和补充.
教师 members who are assigned full-time to one of the instructional divisions are responsible to the appropriate dean and the Vice President for Student Learning for fulfilling the following duties and responsibilities:
- A full teaching load will be 15 hours or the equivalent per term unless the dean assigns other duties for the benefit of the college. 额外的教学工作量可以根据TBR的额外补偿政策进行分配.
- 保持当前的课程大纲, 说明课程目标,并在上课第一天提交给院长和学生. Syllabi should follow the syllabus template recommended by 教师 Senate and approved by the Chief Academic Officer and President.
- 协助学生的建议和监督学生的进步.
- 保持班级出勤和成绩的准确记录. 相关信息请参见RSCC策略AA-09-01、AA-10-01和AA-11-01 js.xgnongye.com/policies/.
- Submit accurate grade reports and other requested administrative information promptly according to institutional due dates.
- 根据RSCC政策AA-07-01提出课程开发建议(访问RSCC政策AA-07-01的完整详细信息), 课程开发, at js.xgnongye.com/policies/). 修改教学方法, 材料, 教科书, 补充阅读, 以及维持最先进的教学和评估方法的活动. (有关相关信息,请访问完整详细的RSCC策略AA-13-01, 图书馆资料选择准则, at js.xgnongye.com/policies/.)
- 每个全职教师需要投入37.每周5个小时,其中30个小时将在教师时间表上报告(教师定位器)。. 定位器报告的30小时将包括:
- 教学时间(课堂/实验室/临床教学时间)
- 办公时间(教职员工将保持固定的办公时间, 除了他们的教学职责, 以便提供给学生和其他教师, 履行行政管理职责)
- 与工作相关的旅行时间. 与工作相关的旅行被定义为在罗安州各地点之间的旅行或为罗安州服务的其他旅行. Work-related travel does not include commute time (time equivalent to the round-trip travel time between the 教师 member's home and their official station). 官方站点在政策BA-01-01中定义. (访问完整详细的RSCC政策BA-01-01, General Travel,网址为 js.xgnongye.com/policies/.)
- Teaching time and office/work-related travel time are related on a one-to-one basis with the possible exception of lab and/or other external learning experiences. 因此, a 教师 member teaching a 15 hour load of traditional live classes (without laboratory or clinical components) would report 15 hours of teaching time and 15 hours of office/work-related travel time. Full-time 教师 teaching in laboratory and/or external learning experiences would report the same total number of hours on the locator as do 教师 without lab/clinical responsibilities. 然而, 对于有实验室或外部学习经历的教师,教学时间可能占报告时数的50%以上. (This example applies when 教师 with or without lab/clinical responsibilities have credit hour loads containing the same mix of live and web-based hours. 以下是针对基于网络的教学报告要求的附加准则.)
- 教师 who are granted release time for a given semester will not be required to report the teaching release time or associated office/work-related travel time on the 教师 locator.
- 如果一个教员的教学负担过重, the 教师 member will not be required to have 办公时间 scheduled beyond that associated with their full-time load. If the 教师 member is teaching an overload in one semester with the intent of teaching an underload in the following semester, 每超负荷工作一小时,应安排额外一小时的办公时间. 在负荷不足的学期, 报告的办公/工作旅行时间, 应等于教学学时负荷(除上述实验室和临床教学外).
- 为了适应参加网络课程的学生的需要, 教师 will have the option of arranging for one hour of “virtual teaching time” for each credit hour of web-based teaching (this does not apply to web-enhanced teaching). 另外, 网络教学的每学时可以安排一个小时的“虚拟办公时间”, 这不适用于网络增强教学). 教师将不需要在这些虚拟教学和办公时间在校园里. 无论教师的课程表中是否混合了现场和网络课程, 然而, 教员定位员将报告至少10小时的教学时间和办公/工作相关的旅行时间. The following table provides details about the relationship between 教师 credit hour load in an online format and total time reported on the 教师 locator.
教学时数:Web |
报告教学时间* |
办公室/工作相关的出差时间 |
报告教学总数 & 出差时间 |
15 |
0 |
15 |
15 |
30 |
12 |
3 |
12 |
12 |
24 |
9 |
6 |
9 |
9 |
18 |
6 |
9 |
6 |
6 |
12 |
3 |
12 |
3 |
7 |
10 |
0 |
15 |
0 |
10 |
10 |
*面对面上课的时间(课时) |
- All 教师 members are expected to maintain office hours (representing the major portion of the broader 办公时间 classification) and provide normal tutorial assistance to their students. Under no circumstances will a 教师 member charge any student enrolled in the college for assistance in matters related to his/her teaching duties. 教师也将在办公时间为学生提供建议.
- It is possible that for 教师 who teach classes with laboratory or external learning components the sum of teaching time and work-related travel time may equal or exceed 30 hours per week (i.e.., the 教师 member fulfills the 30 hour reporting requirement on the locator without the inclusion of any office hours). 在这种情况下, 教职员工会, 尽管如此, report a minimum of four office hours per week (meaning that the total hours reported on the locator would exceed 30).
- Teaching time and office/work-related travel time will be rescheduled each term to correspond to the new schedule for that particular term. 指示可用时间(定义为教学时间)的教员定位器, 办公时间, and work-related travel time) must be posted in the immediate vicinity of each of the 教师 member's office/workspace location(s) and filed with the appropriate dean and the Vice President for Student Learning. 院长有责任确保每学期及时发布新的教员定位员.
- 教职员工定位器将列出教职员工的罗安州立大学电子邮件地址和罗安州立大学分机号. Locators will also provide information on the total number of credit hours being taught in a web format by the 教师 member. 另外, 教师定位器将包括一份声明,表明办公时间可以通过预约安排.
- 维持符合课程学习目标的课堂纪律.
- 管理适当的评估和测试,以证明通识教育和课程目标的实现. 期末考试或评估计划必须提交给每门课程的相应院长.
- 参加部门, 教师, 委员会, 和其他机构会议为学院的福利和支持.
- 保持对课程的参与和成员资格, 专业组织, 和社区计划,以促进及时的专业成长和贡献.
- 利用大学图书馆促进个人成长, 课堂教学与研究, 并协助维护适当的图书馆馆藏的课程.
- 参加毕业典礼.
- 协助教师和学生组织,市场营销和沟通,以及招聘.
除了教学职责之外, 教职员工应履行其他职责,为学院的福利和支持做出贡献. 其中包括对学生的学术建议、委员会作业和指导. Assignment of non-instructional duties will be examined to assure that 教师 members will not be asked to assume additional responsibilities which might prove detrimental to teaching performance.
The Vice President for Student Learning will appoint 教师 to serve on standing 委员会s in the fall term to serve for that academic year. 教师有机会表明对委员会任务的偏好. 虽然不是每个人都能得到他们的第一选择, 我们将尽力满足这些要求. 将努力限制教师每学年不超过两次常务委员会任务. 偶尔, 教职员工可能会被要求在一个特别工作组或临时委员会的任务中工作. If any 教师 member is asked to serve on more than two 委员会s and that 教师 member thinks that the additional assignment would be detrimental to teaching performance, 教员可以要求免除额外的作业. 参见RSCC政策GA-25-01,常务委员会,见 js.xgnongye.com/policies/.
- 尽管有本文件中定义的要求, other arrangements may be developed by the mutual agreement of a 教师 member and their dean in unusual circumstances. 这种协议必须是书面的.
修订生效日期: 11/19/2018
修订批准人: 克里斯托弗·L. 惠利,总统
原生效日期: 01/11/1988
批准人: Cuyler一. 邓巴,总统
办公室负责: 学生学习副总裁
综述: 11/19/2018
贝博体育不存在种族歧视, color, 宗教, 信条, 种族或民族出身, 性, 残疾, 年龄, status as protected veteran or any other class protected by Federal or State laws and regulation and by Tennessee board of Regents policies with respect to employment, 贝博体育, 和活动. 查看完整的非歧视政策.